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Dental Implant With The Best Dental Implant Clinic in Bangalore

What are Dental Implants?

Best Dental Implant Clinic in Bangalore | Meenakshi Dental Implant Centre
Dental implants are for people who have unstable or missing teeth due to damaged roots. Dental implant is a surgical procedure, which replaces the roots of the tooth with a hollow metal post resembling a screw. A small metal pin-type rod is then inserted into the hollow space of the ‘screw’ around which the artificial tooth will be attached. The new tooth subsequently looks and functions like a real tooth. Dental implant surgery is ideal for people who have lost their teeth roots as other teeth replacement treatments like dentures and bridges need functional teeth roots to anchor into. Dental implant surgery involves various procedures and is time-consuming, but it is worth every minute for successful outcomes. The major benefit of the procedure is that it gives solid support to the new teeth after the bone heals around the implant. The healing takes time, which is why the procedure can last many months. But when it heals, the implant made of titanium, fuses with the bone and becomes the root of the new tooth. This is what makes the tooth look and function like a real one. Since titanium cannot decay, implants again become preferable over dentures and bridges, which can damage teeth.

Preparing for a Dental Implant

If you are preparing for dental implantation in bangalore, Meenakshi dental implant centre is the Best Dental Implant Clinic in Bangalore .
A dental implant requires different surgical procedures and can involve several specialists like an oral surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, a periodontist and a prosthodontist. Sometimes even an ENT (ear, nose and throat) surgeon may be consulted. Preparation for a dental implant procedure consists of the following steps:
Medical History: Knowing your medical history and present health condition enables the doctor to prepare you for the dental implant. If the patient has an orthopedic implant, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics before the implant procedure to avoid infection.
Dental Examination: The dentist will undertake a full oral examination. He will also take dental x-rays and 3D images to make models of your teeth and jaw. If the bone structure is not strong enough to support an implant, bone grafting becomes necessary.
Treatment Plan: The custom-made treatment plan take into consideration the amount of teeth to be replaced, the condition of the jawbone or skull bone and the health of the other teeth.

The Surgical Process in the Best Dental Implant Clinic in Bangalore

A dental implant is usually an outpatient surgical process undertaken in stages, allowing for healing time between them. The procedure goes through the following steps, which may sometimes be combined depending upon certain factors:
1 Damaged tooth removal
2 Jawbone preparation (grafting)
3 Dental implant placement
4 Bone growth and healing
5 Abutment placement
6  Artificial tooth placement

Bone Grafting

The chewing action exerts a lot of pressure on the jawbone. If the jawbone is not thick enough to fuse around the implant, the patient will have to under grafting before a dental implant can be performed. Bone grafts include several materials that can rebuild a jawbone. A natural graft takes bone from another part of patient’s body. If that is not feasible, a synthetic bone-substitute can provide a foundation for new bone development.
Growing sufficient new bone itself can take several months. If only minor bone grafting required, it can be done on the same day as the implant surgery. The condition of the jawbone will ultimately drive the implant process.

The Implant Procedure

In Best Dental Implant Clinic in Bangalore, Meenakshi Dental Implant Centre, the patient may be given local or general anesthesia, which is predetermined The surgery begins with a cut to open the gum line, which is then flipped back. A hole is drilled into the bone where the implant is to be inserted. The titanium ‘screw’ is implanted deep into the jawbone since it is to serve the root of the new tooth. At this stage the patient has a gap in the teeth line. To overcome this, a temporary denture can be inserted within the implant for the sake of appearance. The gum is flapped back over the bone and sutured.


Now begins the process whereby the jawbone grows into and fuses with the titanium implant. It called osseointegration and can take several months but at the end, it provides a solid base for the artificial tooth by becoming its root.

Placement of the Abutment

After full osseointegration, the surgeon will reopen the gum line and insert a small metal abutment into the implant. The gum tissue is then closed around the implant. If there had been no bone grafting the abutment could have been inserted on the same day as the implant. The abutment extends beyond the gum line and will remain so till it is crowned with the prosthetic tooth. After inserting the abutment your gums need about two weeks to heal before the artificial tooth or crown can be attached.

Placement of Artificial Teeth

Remember the models that the dentist had made of the patient’s teeth and jaw at the time of preparing for the dental implant? These models will now be used to make the crown or the realistic artificial tooth. If bone grafting had been undertaken, the dentist would have ascertained that the jawbone is now strong enough to support the new tooth. The new teeth can be fixed or removable or both.

Side Effects of the Implant

The patient may experience some of the typical discomforts associated with dental surgery like:
1  Swelling of your gums and face
2 Bruising of your skin and gums
3  Pain at the implant site
4  Minor bleeding
According to us, the Best Dental Implant Clinic in Bangalore, You may need medications or antibiotics to deal with these problems. If they persist, patients should contact the oral surgeon immediately.

Results With the Best Dental Implant Clinic in Bangalore

Dental implants are generally successful. Failure often results if the bone has not fused adequately with the implant. In such cases, the implant is removed and the bone is cleaned up and after three months, the implant can be attempted again. Lifestyle factors like smoking may also contribute to failure and cause other complications as well. The patient can control outcomes and preserve the remaining natural teeth with proper oral hygiene, avoid damaging the teeth by consuming too much frozen foods and caffeine or tobacco products and by visiting the
dentist regularly.



  1. To obtain high-quality services for dental, just make an appointment with our Reputed Dentist in Bangalore at Smile Zone Dental Speciality Centre. Visit the link for more details.


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